Launching the Java App, first paying customer and the mistakes I made along the way
In my first post , I mentioned how I got started with the first App idea. This was pretty much the first step in my long entrepreneurial journey which was to follow. I just didn't know it back then! The year is 2008 and the first App "iChess" for Java/Symbian was almost ready. It was time to get it in the hands of the chess users out there. iChess Java - ready for launch! How do you know when the app is good enough for a public release? The User Interface (UI) and the User eXperience (UX) was decent for the first version and I like to make sure these two things are well in place before any release. Being a user myself, I knew the UX was fine. Being a chess player myself helped. And a decent UI made sure users don't fall off immediately. This means no outright spelling mistakes, mis-aligned items, messy layout or glitches. I have followed these two principles all these years. Never release anything till I am myself satisfied with the look and feel of what I am making...